1.2 Attendance Policy


Precious Play Days Preschool views good attendance and punctuality as vitally important for the learning and well-being of children. Children who attend Preschool regularly, arrive and are collected on time are more secure and better able to engage with the learning environment.

Roles and Responsibilities

Parents & Carers

  • To ensure their child attends every session unless they are unwell.

  • To try to avoid making appointments for their child that occur during Preschool time.

  • To inform the Preschool by telephone on the first day if a child is absent because of illness and again at regular intervals if the illness is prolonged.

  • To inform the Preschool if their child is going to be absent and to give the reason for the absence - this can be done by email, telephone or text.

  • To write to the Manager to advise of holidays during term time.

  • To bring and collect their children promptly - please remember it is very distressing for children to be left until last.

  • Ensure that children are brought and collected by a responsible adult, over the age of 16.

  • Ensure that the Preschool is informed every time someone different will be collecting their child and that person has a password.

  • Bring children into the Preschool setting and ensure a member of staff is aware of their arrival.

  • Fees for missed sessions are still applicable and no replacement/alternate sessions are provided.


  • To ensure parents/carers understand the importance of punctuality and attendance.

  • To monitor attendance and punctuality on a session basis.

  • To speak informally to parents/carers if a child’s attendance is below the expected level of 95% or if poor punctuality seems to be having a significant effect upon the child’s education.

  • To write to parents if attendance remains low, or punctuality does not improve, after informal conversation.

  • To inform Children’s Social Services if poor attendance or punctuality indicates that the child’s welfare could be in jeopardy.

  • To ensure strategies for encouraging good attendance are implemented.

Key persons

  • To monitor the attendance and punctuality of their key children and ensure a reason is obtained every time a child is absent from Preschool.

  • To inform the Supervisor if they have concerns about a child’s attendance or punctuality.

  • To be aware that poor attendance and/or punctuality could be a safeguarding issue and to respond in accordance with the Preschool’s Safeguarding Children Policy & Procedures.

  • To ensure that registers are accurately completed with late marks and reason codes for every absence.

  • To mark a child as being late if they arrive 20 minutes after the session has started.

  • To provide positive messages to parents/carers about the importance of punctuality and good attendance.

Reviewed: 05/10/2021